PS Quilting got started in 2015 when my father was in the hospital. The quilt ministry at my church made a prayer quilt for my father who was in ICU at the time with a septic infection they were treating him for. One of the nurses saw the quilt and asked for a specialty quilt if the quilt ministry would make one he would make a donation to them. However, they did not make quilts to sell and after seeing my father in the hospital, I knew I had to spend more time with my mother. She didn’t have a lot of my common interest so I asked if we could make the quilt together for the nurse. While sewing this quilt I realized how much I enjoyed doing the sewing and creating something unique to be enjoyed by someone. I found a way to work with my mom and spend time with her. I also went up to the quilt ministry at the church and the ladies there taught me how to freestyle quilt and discussed different ideas with me.
I also bought a commercial embroidery machine and became certified as an Embroidery Specialist through OESD. I wanted to make my quilts more unique with embroidery embellishments. I also decided to purchase a long arm quilting machine to do bigger quilts and better quilting. In January 2021, I was able to get the long arm quilting machine assembled and in operation. I plan on taking a long arm class and getting certified.
My career has been in banking, which I will have 20 years in May 2021. I am credit underwriter for Wells Fargo in The Private Bank. I handle commercial real estate loans and personal loans to wealthy individuals. The quilting has helped me unwind after a long day and something I really enjoy when I have time in the evenings and those bad weather weekends.